
GBBD - September 2012

I'm ready for gardening season to wind down and to spend time cocooning in the fall and winter months. I've been curling up with mystery novels instead of pulling weeds. There have been intermittent afternoon and evening rains the last few weeks and my garden is soaking up all the moisture.  The late monsoonal rains have brought some late summer booms.
Everything is coming up salvia. I've had this raspberry delight salvia for years. My supervisor gave me a set of three and this is the only one that is left. Hers are everblooming, but mine only blooms in the late summer. I'm not sure if it's a lack of water or fertilizer. It complements the white gaura that grows next to it.
I planted the Pat Vlasto salvia in the spring. I think they will be favorite when they grow in more. They have a melon/watermelon color. I only saw them once at the nursery and they weren't available on any of my return trips. I can't wait to see what a whole bush of them will look like.
The ultra violet salvia is so dependable. It has teeny tiny flowers, but it blooms all the time. I can't recall what the other salvia is. It's a zone 7 that might not come back next year, but sometimes a good sale is hard to resist.
The salvia azurea (prarie sage) is lovely blue color. I planted them a few weeks ago and they're blooming up a storm. My apologies for all the blurry photos. Salvia flowers are too tiny for my point and shoot camera to handle.

I'm joining Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Special thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting. Please check out what's blooming in other parts of the country and in other parts of the world.


  1. Everything still looks good there. You have some lovely Salvias. You and I have been doing the same thing. I've been reading way more over the summer than usual this year, like I do during the winter. Since I also love to read, it's not been a hardship and with the heat so extreme there weren't a lot of other options. I figure I'll start cutting back in a couple weeks.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Your salvia are looking great! I love the idea of putting guara and salvia together. I have both in my garden but not close to one another. I am looking forward to a little winter hibernating but fall is my favorite time to be in the garden. In fact, I just bought a car load of plants today.

  3. You have a wonderful collection of salvias! I love the salvia in my own garden, but, like you, I find it very difficult to get a good photo of it! I look forward to a little downtime from gardening, too, but not till winter, since fall is one of my busiest times in the garden.

  4. Like the Salvia azurea, native to Kansas. Looks like you salvia rich.

  5. Love that ultra violet salvia! What a beautiful color. And that last picture is so pretty with the blues, purples, and the stunning whites!

  6. I adore salvias and yours are gorgeous...my pont and shoot camera is so limited...maybe someday I may move on up but I am so used to mine...we had a bit of rain and the weather is cooling...hoping for more rain so my garden can also soak some more up...surprise blooms for me as well...Happy GBBD!

  7. Beautiful!! I am wondering if hummingbirds are enjoying them too?

  8. I love the delicate, wispy floral wands of your salvias. What a nice range of colors you have! The salvia azurea is especially pretty.


  9. Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Gardening Community at vorts.com? Our members will love it.
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    James Kaufman, Editor
    Share something to get us through winter!

  10. I am having those feelings as well of cocooning. In a few weeks, the colder weather will be settling in and gardening will take a smaller role. Your late summer garden is beautiful.

  11. Your salvia look beautiful! I have a 'Maraschino' that starts blooming in early spring and doesn't stop till it's cold. They are such tough plants. I hope the tender ones come back for you.

  12. V tvojej záhrade to pekne kvitne, dážď jej pomohol. U nás bolo veľmi suché leto. Po dlhom čase trochu pršalo v sobotu večer.

    In your garden to bloom nicely, rain helped her. For us it was a very dry summer. After a long time, a little rain on Saturday night.

  13. There's something about Salvias--they remind me of the Wild West. Strong, sturdy, and reliable. And there are so many colors and cultivars. And thanks for your kind comments on my blog posts.

  14. Wow, the blue on that prairie sage is amazing!! I love salvia and have several kinds. They're such reliable and hardy plants and play so well with others. Enjoy the coming autumn - it's my favorite season!

  15. I welcome you very warmly.
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  16. Being an apartment armchair gardener, I didn't realize salvia came in so many beautiful colors. Is that intense blue one maybe the Black and Blue variety?

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  18. What a lovely collection of Salvia's. I am so used to planting the fairly common dark blue variety that one forgets they come in so many wonderful colours. Love the Blog. Regards, Simon UK


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