
Still Winter...Sigh

On Monday, I was off of work for New Year's Day and I went hiking with a couple of friends. We had intended to snowshoe, but snowshoes were unwarranted given how snow packed the trails were.
The temperatures have been creeping up all week and in the high 40s and low 50s. I feel like I have ants in my pants today and want to start my spring garden clean up. I know, however that the mild temperatures belie cooler winter weather to come.
I'm going to enjoy the mild weather while I can and not rush the onset of spring in my mind. The forecast tomorrow calls for snow. 


  1. Theta, what's going on! Your temperatures are just like mine here in Connecticut. In January. At least, you've had snow this winter. Our only snow lately was Halloween. Annnd, the snow in your stunningly beautiful photographs of long, tall trees reaching for blue sky.

  2. Lovely, lovely photos. FWIW we had snow in the forecast today, but although it's cooler the white stuff failed to materialize.

  3. Lovely forested photos. It's been weird, I was weeding a little bit yesterday. Weeded in Dec. also. Just not a normal year last and I am hoping this is not an indication of this year being the same.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. Beautiful winter pictures! I know how you feel--it's been very warm in DC lately, and while I'm not excited about blizzards and freezing temperatures, I don't want to rush spring either. Then again, snowy backdrops make for great photos!

  5. Aj ja som si povzdychla, keď som uvidela tvoje krásne zasnežené fotografie. U nás ešte zima stále neprišla. Je teplo, momentálne nám zasvietilo slnko a chvíľami prší.
    Rada by som sa prešla zasneženým lesom.
    Prajem peknú nedeľu.

  6. Gorgeous pics! Looks like you had a wonderful time in the middle of some beautiful scenery. I am a bit anxious for spring to start, and am having a very, very hard time waiting to see if winter is over! My gardener's fingers are itching to get out there!

  7. Oh my you have so much more snow than we do...we have had about a foot over a few storms and it is gone because we keep warming to the 40s...lovely snow though...

  8. Beautiful! I love the birches (are they birches?) with the blue sky...

  9. @Lee - The weather has definitely been strange this year. I always feel spoiled by the blue sky here.

    @Patricia - It's been snowing sporadically today, but not much accumulation. Oh well!

    @Sunray - Cher, it's definitely weird weather. Hope you get some more snowfall in Ohio and we're not all suffering from drought this year.

  10. @Bumble Lush - The snow was lovely, but started melting as we hiked down the trail.

    @Mimi - Daneila, the walk in the woods was a lot of fun and beautiful. It's one of my favorite hiking spots.

    @Holley - It's hard not to get antsy when the weather is mild. But since we got a little snow today, I'm glad I didn't go crazy pruning things yesterday. :)

    @Donna - Even in the mountains a lot of the snow has melted here. Thanks so much for liking the blog on Facebook! I appreciate your support.

    @Masha - The trees are aspens, which are in the poplar family; I think. They look a lot like birches with white bark.

  11. Gorgeous landscape! I love how you captured the shadows of the trees on the snow. This time last year we were snowed in for a week, this year we are running around in T-shirts!

  12. Śniegu nie ma za dużo, ale jest biało :-). Urocze zdjęcia. Dziękuję za miłą wizytę i pozdrawiam.

    Snow is not too much, but it is white :-). Lovely photos. Thank you for the nice visit and greet.

  13. I thing the weather is getting more bizarre here as well. TOday was quite warm, I did my rain dance, but it didn't work. I really need rain, and miss rain :(

  14. @Karin - I managed to capture those with my camera phone. They came out better than some of the others that I took with my point and shoot.

    @Giga - We could use more snow, but it was fun to start the new year up in the mountains.

    @Dewi - We might all start having to do rain dances pretty soon. Not much precipitation this year, but I'm glad for what we gotten.

  15. Oh, what a gorgeous place to hike, GirlSprout! We've been the "black hole" in the snow systems and haven't had any. When I flew up to Denver for Christmas there was practically a straight line dividing ABQ from the snow.

  16. Our temps are similar to yours, but no snowy mountains in sight! We are expecting colder weather soon, also. Your photos are stunning, and I can feel the crisp mountain air right through the computer.

  17. @Stacy - I hope you had a great vacation. I was wondering where you were when I didn't see your usual Sunday and Thursday posts!

    @debsgarden - It was beautiful that day. This week, however, was another story. Lots of wind to chill the bones and no snow to look at. Oh well.


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